Complete Guide to August 2024 Civil Service Exam Requirements & Application

Those who wish to work in the government in the Philippines need to take the Civil Service Exam (CSE). This guide provides everything you need to know about the August 2024 Civil Service Exam Requirements, including qualification requirements and how to apply.

About the Civil Service Examination

The CSE is administered twice every year by the Civil Service Commission (CSC). It has two levels:

  • Professional Level – For those with bachelor’s degrees who are eligible for both first and second-level positions in government service.
  • Subprofessional Level – For high school graduates who can only qualify for first-level government positions.

Civil Service Exam Requirements

General Civil Service Exam Requirements

Applicants must meet these general qualifications for taking any of the civil service exams:

  1. Filipino Citizen: Must be a natural or naturalized citizen of the Philippines.
  2. Age: At least 18 years old at the time of filing the application.
  3. Education: There are no specific educational requirements for the subprofessional level; however, the professional level usually requires a bachelor’s degree.
  4. Good Moral Character: No criminal record(s) involving moral turpitude and must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime, which is contrary to law, morals, good customs, or public policy.
  5. Not a Dismissed Government Employee: Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or removed/terminated from any civil position in government except through retirement.
  6. Not Passed Similar Examination within Three Months Before the Last Day of Filing Application

Specific Civil Service Exam Requirements

To comply with CSE requirements, applicants have to submit these documents:

  1. Fully Accomplished Application Form – available at the CSC website or any CSC Regional/Field Office.
  2. Four (4) Passport-Sized Pictures – taken within three months prior to the filing of the application, showing the applicant’s front view, colored with a white background, and wearing decent attire with a collar.
  3. Original & Photocopy of Any Valid ID – containing the applicant’s name, picture, date of birth (DOB), signature, and serial number such as Passport, Driver’s License (LTO), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) License Card, Social Security System (SSS) ID Card, or Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) eCard Plus UMID.
  4. Examination Fee: Five hundred pesos only (500 Php).

Additional Requirements for Specific Applicants

  1. Applicants With Disabilities – Medical certificate issued by a licensed physician or certification from the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA).
  2. Pregnant Applicants – Medical certificate indicating the expected delivery date signed by the attending physician.
  3. Applicants With Tattoos – Notarized Certification Of Non-Membership In Any Subversive Organization And Declaration Of Good Moral Character.
  4. Certification Of Retention/Reacquisition Of Philippine Citizenship – Dual citizens who opt to use their Filipino citizenship shall submit this document.
  5. Appointment Letter For Computerized Examinations

Application Process

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Download And Complete The Application Form – Visit the CSC website, download the application form, and fill it out accurately.
  2. Prepare All Required Documents – Ensure you have everything needed, including the fully accomplished application form, passport-sized photos taken within three months before filing of the application, showing the applicant’s front view, colored with a white background, and wearing decent attire with a collar, etc.
  3. Submit Your Application – Personally submit your application to the nearest CSC Field Office/Regional Office as applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  4. Pay The Examination Fee – Upon submission of your application form together with other required documents, pay the non-refundable fee amounting to PHP 500 only at any authorized office where you filed your application form(s). The official receipt must be kept by the applicant as proof of payment.
  5. Receive Your Notice Of Admission (NOA) – If your application has been processed and approved, you will be issued a NOA which indicates the date, time, and venue of your examination.

Important Dates

  • Application Period: June 2024 – July 2024 (exact dates to be announced on the CSC website).
  • Examination Date: August 11, 2024 (specific date to be indicated in your NOA).

Online Application Procedure

Here’s how to apply online according to the CSC website:

  1. Create an Account – Visit the CSC Online Career Service Examination Application System (OCSEAS) and create an account using an active email address.
  2. Activate Account – Click the activation link sent to your email.
  3. Log In and Update Profile – Enter the required personal details.
  4. Select Exam and Testing Center – Choose the appropriate exam level and preferred testing center.
  5. Complete Online CS Form No. 100 – Fill out the form with accurate information.
  6. Upload Required Documents – Ensure that documents are in .jpeg format and not more than 5 MB file size.
  7. Submit Application – Confirm submission and wait for approval.
  8. Personal Appearance and Payment – Schedule an appointment for personal appearance and payment within 48 hours from approval.

Online Filing Period: May 13, 2024 – June 13, 2024 or until slots are filled up.

Examination Day Reminders

  1. Bring Your NOA – This will serve as your admission slip to the examination venue.
  2. Valid ID – The same identification card used during the application process.
  3. Pencils and Erasers – At least two sharpened pencils (No.2) and a good quality eraser.
  4. Dress Code – Wear comfortable clothes; preferably with a collar.
  5. Prohibited Items – Electronic gadgets, calculators, or any kind of watch that has calculator features; books, notes, review materials, or any printed references like dictionaries; bags of any kind; other examination aids like rulers, protractors, compasses, etc.

Examination Coverage & Format

Professional Level

  1. Numerical Ability – Basic operations; word problems.
  2. Analytical Ability – Word association, identifying assumptions and conclusions, logic, data interpretation.
  3. Verbal Ability – Grammar and correct usage; vocabulary; paragraph organization; reading comprehension.
  4. General Information – Philippine Constitution; Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713); peace and human rights issues; environment management and protection.

Subprofessional Level

  1. Numerical Ability – Basic operations; word problems.
  2. Clerical Ability – Filing rules.
  3. Verbal Ability – Grammar and correct usage; vocabulary; paragraph organization; reading comprehension.
  4. General Information – Similar to the professional level but contextualized to subprofessional concerns.

Number of Items & Time Allocation

  • Professional Level: 170 items (3 hours & 10 minutes)
  • Subprofessional Level: 165 items (2 hours & 40 minutes)

Passing Score

To pass the exam, an examinee must get a rating of at least 80.00%.

Post-Examination Procedures

Checking Results

The CSC will release the results around sixty (60) days after the examination date. The list of passers will be posted on the CSC website and in major newspapers while individual test results can be accessed through OCSERGS or the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System, which can also be found on their official website.

Oath-Taking & Issuance of Eligibility Card

The successful examinee should personally appear before the CSC Regional Office for the oath-taking ceremony. After this event, a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Eligibility Card shall be issued to all those who passed the exam as proof of their eligibility for employment purposes within government offices within the Philippines, specifically for positions that require civil service eligibility as a statutory requirement based on RA1080.

Checking Your Exam Result (OCSERGS)

On the CSC website, examinees can generate their rating on a subject fifteen days after the examination using OCSERGS or the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System. If you passed, please check with your CSC Regional Office if your Certification of Eligibility (CoE) is already available for claiming. Always remember that CoE is claimable by the passer only; no representatives are allowed to claim it on your behalf. Normally, certification may be obtained within thirty days from the posting of results.

Tips for an Effective Application and Examination

  • Be early in application – Submission of the application as soon as possible increases your chance for a slot.
  • Review well – Maximize the use of reviewers or join group studies to better prepare yourself.
  • Keep posted – Visit the CSC website from time to time for notices or schedule revisions.
  • Comply strictly – With all the requirements stated in your NOA and what has been instructed by proctors during the examination day.
  • Arrange your things – Prepare all necessary documents ahead of time before the exam day comes.
  • Look out for updates about Civil Service Exams: Check regularly at for ONSA and other important announcements.


Applying for the Civil Service Exam requires careful preparation and attention to detail. By following this guide on the Civil Service Exam requirements and application process, you can enhance your chances of successfully passing the August 2024 Civil Service Exam and embarking on a rewarding career in the Philippine government. For more detailed information and updates, visit the Civil Service Commission website.

Good luck with your application and examination!