LET: General Education Part 17

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 17 of General Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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General Education Part 17

1. A relative humidity of 25% means air _____.

a. is filled with water vapour

b. can hold 25% more water vapour

c. is filled up to 25% of its’ capacity

d. has no water vapour content

Answer: c

2. Which of the following does not cause the different seasons?

a. tilting of the earth’s axis

b. rotation

c. revolution

d. evolution

Answer: d

3. The movement of the ocean water which can be an alternative source of energy or power.

a. waves

b. tides

c. gravitational force

d. earth’s rotation

Answer: b

4. When the water vapour reaches this temperature, condensation takes place.

a. saturation point

b. dew point

c. condensation point

d. precipitation point

Answer: b

5. Results in alternative days and night in opposite part of the earth

a. earth rotates on on its’ axis in west-to-east direction

b. earth rotates on its’ axis in east-to-west direction

c. earth stops rotating on its’ axis

d. earth tilts on its’ axis

Answer: a

6. The falling of any forms of water from the air to the earth’s surface.

a. condensation

b. precipitation

c. water vapour

d. humidity

Answer: b

7. The part of the atmosphere that filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

a. stratosphere

b. troposphere

c. ozone layer

d. ionosphere

Answer: c

8. The point on the earth’s orbit nearest the sun.

a. solstice

b. eclipse

c. aphelion

d. perihelion

Answer: d

9. The property of the minerals which give off rays of light when exposed to ultraviolet light.

a. luminescence

b. phosphorescence

c. radiation

d. fluorescence

Answer: b

10. Which of the following involves chemical weathering?

a. carbonation

b. oxidation

c. decomposition

d. all of the above

Answer: d

11. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation?

a. 365 days

b. 30 days

c. 24 hours

d. 72 hours

Answer: c

12. What is the primary function of gravity in the universe?

a. provision of energy

b. keep the stars and heavenly bodies in orbit

c. cause movement in space

d. part of universal design

Answer: c

13. What does the word “monsoon” mean?

a. moon will come soon

b. atmosphere

c. season

d. climate

Answer: c

14. Its’ discovery enabled geologist to date rocks accurately.

a. global positioning system

b. carbon-dating

c. radioactivity

d. layering

Answer: c

15. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and moon, with the earth’s shadow cast over the moon.

a. total eclipse

b. lunar eclipse

c. eclipse

d. partial eclipse

Answer: b

16. It is the boundary at which the advancing warm air mass is replacing colder air at the surface.

a. warm front

b. stationary front

c. cold front

d. occluded front

Answer: a

17. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi uri ng “galaxy” ayon sa klasipikasyon na ginawa ni Edwin Hubble?

a. elliptical

b. spiral

c. barred spiral

d. Sirius

Answer: d

18. Ang erosion ay maaring maagapan sa pamamagitan ng pagbubungkal ayon sa contour ng lupa. Ang tawag dito ay _____.

a. terracing

b. strip-cropping

c. contour plowing

d. hillside plowing

Answer: c

19. Ang paggalaw ng mga “plates” tulad ng “Eurasian Plate” at “Pacific Plate” ay pinaniniwalaan sa dahilang _____.

a. Hindi pantay ang pagkalat ng init sa mundo na dulot nito ay “convection current”

b. init na galing sa araw

c. enerhiyang tidal

d. “gravitational pull”

Answer: a

20. Ang _____ ay ang tawag sa pagtalsik ng mga natunaw na material na mula sa ilalim ng lupa.

a. faulting

b. volcanism

c. tectonic movement

d. continental shift

Answer: b

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