LET: General Education Part 19

This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 19 of General Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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General Education Part 19

1. It is a segment of DNA molecule which controls the appearance of the given trait.

a. chromosomes

b. genes

c. gametes

d. zygotes

Answer: b

2. Group of similar cells performing similar function together.

a. organs

b. system

c. nucleus

d. tissue

Answer: d

3. The diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane.

a. osmosis

b. permeability

c. transfusion

d. capillary

Answer: a

4. It shows the complex food relationships of organism in a given are and the cyclic flow of food through organisms.

a. food chain

b. food web

c. food pyramid

d. biological cycle

Answer: b

5. Which of the following does NOT occur to both respiration and fermentation?

a. energy is released

b. sugar is breakdown

c. carbon dioxide is produced

d. alcohol if formed

Answer: d

6. The genetic information in a DNA is coded in the _____?

a. sequence of ribonucleotides

b. proportion of the base result

c. base pairing

d. sequence of nucleotides

Answer: d

7. What will cause the process of respiration to stop?

a. absence of oxygen

b. absence of sunlight

c. decrease in water supply

d. presence of sunlight

Answer: a

8. What relationship exist between a bangus and tilapia in the fishpond?

a. commensalism

b. mutualism

c. competition

d. predation

Answer: c

9. Taxonomy os the study of classification of organism based on their?

a. genetics

b. evolutionary history

c. development pattern

d. habitat

Answer: b

10. As specie is said to be _____ when its number is so few that it will most likely disappear altogether unless given proper protection.

a. disappearing

b. extinct

c. depleted

d. endangered

Answer: d

11. Some bacteria are classified as saprophytes because they organism which?

a. feed on dead organic matter

b. feed on other living things

c. undergo photosynthesis

d. have hydrolytic enzymes

Answer: a

12. In humans, food is moved down the esophagus into the stomach by means of?

a. cyclosis

b. peptic acids

c. peristalsis

d. active transport

Answer: c

13. The structure outside the nucleus in animal cells that is involved in mitosis.

a. ribosomes

b. chromosome

c. centriole

d. microtubule

Answer: c

14. Coordination and integration of the body activities of man are under the direct control of the _____?

a. reproduction and transport system

b. nervous and endocrine system

c. nervous and excretory system

d. respiratory and endocrine system

Answer: b

15. Genetic engineering has been utilized for the production of _____?

a. genes

b. salivary amylase

c. uric acid crystals

d. human growth hormones

Answer: d

16. Chemistry is primary concerned with the composition and changes of?

a. mature

b. matter

c. man

d. earth

Answer: b

17. A scientific theory is?

a. a hypothesis not yet subjected to experimental test

b. an idea that correctly predicts the results

c. an imagination

d. a guess

Answer: a

18. Which of the following units of measurement is equivalent to cubic centimeter?

a. milligram

b. milliliter

c. millimeter

d. centiliter

Answer: b

19. Which of the following is NOT a compound?

a. acetic acid

b. alcohol

c. magnesium

d. zinc oxide

Answer: c

20. The easier the atom loses its electrons, the less its>

a. electro-negativity

b. atomic radius

c. number of shells

d. valence electrons

Answer: d

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