This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 3 of TLE. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.
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TLE Part 3
1. For purposes of troubleshooting in case of stoppage of flow, what must be installed in the pipe system?
a. Vent pipe
b. Cleanout
c. Drain
d. Tee fitting
Answer: b
2. Plastic pipes are commonly used in water fixture installation nowadays. which of the following is preferred?
a. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
b. Chlorinated PVC (CPVC)
c. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX)
d. Polyethylene
Answer: a
3. The Plumbing Code on House Drain provides that there must be no more than two closets that shall discharge into a _____ pipe diameter.
a. 3 inches or 75 mm
b. 80 mm
c. less than 75 mm
d. 70 mm
Answer: a
4. A metal or plastic fitting used to connect smaller pipe from a larger pip.
a. Reducer
b. Elbow
c. Union
d. Coupling
Answer: a
5. As a basic prerequisite for most plumbing project, what should be connected for each faucet, toilet, and fixtures?
a. Fixture shutoffs
b. Main shutoffs
c. Intermediate Shutoffs
d. Valves
Answer: a
6. A plumber wants to tighten and loosen pipes. Which tools is appropriate?
a. Pipe cutter
b. Flux
c. Pipe wrench
d. Butane torch
Answer: c
7. A plumber wants to cut metal pipe. Which tool is appropriate
a. Hacksaw
b. Back saw
c. Handsaw
d. Drywall knife
Answer: a
8. Metal with semi-rigid auger whose ends is usually fitted with a hook or corkscrew is called _____.
a. plumber’s snake
b. plunger
c. valve
d. bushing
Answer: a
9. If your toilet has trouble, you use rubber funnel-shape instrument attached to the end of the handle for unblocking. What is this tool?
a. Plumber’s snake
b. valve
c. Plunger
d. Bushing
Answer: c
10. Which plumbing tools is used for gripping large pipes and irregular objects?
a. monkey wrench
b. chain wrench
c. yoke vise
d. pipe wrench
Answer: b
11. A plumber wants to create thread outside pipe by hand. Which tool is appropriate?
a. Pipe cutter
b. Pipe threader
c. Yoke vise
d. Pipe wrench
Answer: b
12. A plumber wants to cut pipes. Which holding tools is needed?
a. Vise grip
b. Pipe Threader
c. Yoke vise
d. Pipe wrench
Answer: c
13. A plumber wants to hold pipe by hand. What tool is needed?
a. Vise grip
b. Pipe threader
c. Yoke vise
d. Pipe wrench
Answer: a
14. The following are good plumbing practices, EXCEPT:
a. rainwater harvesting
b. water conservation
c. gray water recycling
d. excessive water consumption
Answer: d
15. Water contaminants are being forced forced back into the water piping system. Which term is referred to?
a. Water florw
b. Back flow
c. Pressure
d. Harvesting
Answer: b
16. The following are examples of plumbing fixtures, EXCEPT:
a. water closet
b. drainage
c. shower
d. urinals
Answer: b
17. Which statement is NOT True about plumbing standards based on Republic Act 1378 which is known as “Plumbing Law”?
a. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a water sealed trap.
b. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
c. Water closet must be located in a room and which is properly lighted and ventilated.
d. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixture, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system.
Answer: b
18. A compartment that receives solid or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the gravity system is called _____.
a. septic
b. sump
c. trap
d. interceptor
Answer: a
19. Which is true toxic substance?
a. Hazardous to human health
b. A fixture drain for a laboratory
c. Not hazardous to human health
d. Bedpan washer and sterilizer drain
Answer: a
20. Water is safe for drinking, cooking, and personal use is ______.
a. Portable
b. Purified
c. Clean
d. healthy
Answer: a