LET: Science Part 3

This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 3 of Science. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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1. Who developed the heliocentric model of the Universe with the Sun as the center of the Solar System?

a. Sir Isaac Newton

b. Johannes Kepler

c. Tycho Brahe

d. Nicolaus Copernicus

answer: d

2. A volcanic mudflow of debris flow composed of a slurry of pyroclastic material, rocky debris and water.

a. Lava

b. Lahar

c. Mud

d. Sand

answer: b

3. A phosphorous self-ignites at room temperature with the application of heat is a extra example of what combustion?

a. Rapid combustion

b. Smouldering

c. Spontaneous combustion

d. Turbulent combustion

answer: c

4. ____________ give birth to live babies, are warm-blooded and have fur and hair.

a. Mammals

b. Crustaceans

c. Reptiles

d. Amphibians

answer: a

5. A  _____________ is an animal with a backbone surrounded by cartilage or bone.

a. invertebrate

b. vertebrate

c. mollusk

d. reptile

answer: b

6. Any of a large group of one-celled organisms that live in water or as parasites.

a. Algae

b. Bacteria

c. Protozoa

d. Flagella

answer: c

7. It is an organism that lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host’s expense.

a. Prey

b. Predator

c. Species

d. Parasites

answer: d

8. In ecology, these are animals that live by preying on other organisms for food. They hunt and eventually kill their prey.

a. parasites

b. predators

c. hunters

d. wild animals

answer: b

9. Fleas harm their hosts, such as dogs, by biting their skin, sucking their blood, and causing them to itch. This is an example of what?

a. Mutualistic relationship

b. Predatoristic relationship

c. Parasitic relationship

d. Symbiotic relationship

answer: c

10. When two organism of different species “work together,” each benefitting from the relationship, this is called ______________.

a. Parasitic

b. Commensalistic

c. Mutualistic

d. Predatoristic

answer: c

11. This is a change in the heritable characteristic of biological populations over successive generations which give rise to biodiversity.

a. Evolution

b. Dispersion

c. Reproduction

d. Expansion

answer: a

12. A slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation of snow on mountains or near the poles.

a. snowflake

b. snow storm

c. ice mass

d. glacier

answer: d

13. What causes glaciers to move?

a. the friction created as they slide along the ground’s surface

b. the force of gravity on the ice mass

c. the base of the glacier is very cold

d. the amount of snow accumulation

answer: b

14. The Earth’s crust is made up of 6 huge slabs called plates. What are formed as a result of two slabs of the Earth’s crust smashing into each other pushing the land upward?

a. volcanoes

b. mountains

c. valleys

d. gorges

answer: b

15. What occurs when two plates pushing past each other caused a fracture in the Earth’s crust?

a. volcanic eruption

b. earthquake

c. mountain formation

d. melting of mountains of snow

answer: b

16. This is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide in humans.

a. bronchial tube

b. respiratory system

c. digestive system

d. lungs

answer: b

17. These are metals combined with other substances to make them stronger, harder, lighter, or better in some other way. Examples are filling in our teeth and magnets in loud speakers.

a. colloids

b. aluminum

c. copper

d. alloys

answer: d

18. The following are the ways of making alloys except:

a. Heat and melt the components to make liquids, mix them together, and then allow them to cool into what is called a solid solution.

b. Turn the components into powders, mix them together, and then fuse them with a combination of high pressure and high temperature.

c. Fire beams of ions into the surface layer of a piece of metal.

d. Heat the metal and flatten with a mallet.

answer: d

19. The primary organs of the respiratory system which carry out the talking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide as we breathe.

a. liver

b. lungs

c. heart

d. pancreas

answer: b

20. ____________ is a technique that vegetatively joins two plants into one, using the roots and bottom portion of one plant and attach to a tender shoot from the top portion of another plant.

a. Marcotting

b. Plant Propagation

c. Grafting

d. Plant Cutting

answer: c

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