retrieve PRC account

Easiest way to retrieve PRC account using CRMS 2023

Home » Easiest way to retrieve PRC account using CRMS 2023

How to retrieve PRC account

One of the common problems of digital age is remembering all the username and password in every website we engage into, most especially if we do not frequently visit that site. Best example of this is the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) website, we only visit it when we needed to.

There are few ways to retrieve your account on PRC website.

Retrieve PRC Account Password

If you forget your PRC account password, you can easily reset it by following these steps:

  • Log into your account on the website, click the “Forgot your password?” link,
  • Enter your email address and click the “Reset Password” button.
  • You will receive an email notification that your password has been reset.


Send an email at [email protected] or proceed to the nearest PRC Office

Retrieve PRC Account Email

But if you forget the email being used on the site, you can try this option by using PRC Client Relationship Management System (CRMS).

Follow the easy steps below:

Step 1. Click the RAISE A CONCERN Button to start

Step 2. Click the Yes, I Agree button to proceed

Step 3. Select the office

Step 4. Select the date of transaction

Step 5. Select the profession

Step 6. Select your sex

Step 7. Select the service availed

Step 8. Select your transaction type

Step 9. Input you full name

Step 10. Input you email address

Step 11. Input your message

Step 12. Input your message

Step 13. Click the Submit Inquiry button

Step 14. Click the OK button to finish

Retrieve a Concern

Step 1 Input your ticket number

Step 2 Input your birthdate

Step 3 Click the Retrieve Ticket Number button

Rate PRC Online Service

If you are satisfied and done with your concern, rate PRC by clicking on the star.

Click the Close thread to confirm that you are satisfied and done with your concern.

– Input any additional message you have or reply to a customer service agent’s answer

– Click submit reply


Go to this link to retrieve PRC account:

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