Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 17

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Professional Education Part 17

Choose the letter of the best answer in each question.

1. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and education heritage of the nation and is obliged to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice helps him/her fulfill such obligation?

a. Observe continuing professional education and education and be the best teacher

b. Teach the latest instructional technology to children

c. Teach community life and culture worth emulating

d. Supplant indigenous culture with foreign culture

Answer: c

2. Pursuant to the provision of Article XIV, Sec. 1 of the Philippine Constitution, which DepED policy may help attain the mandate that the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education?

I. Revision of the BEC
II. Hiring and recruitment policy
III. Accreditation of the schools
IV. Strengthen the role of educational supervisors

a. III and IV

b. I and II

c. II and III

d. I and IV

Answer: c

3. The Philippine Constitution mandates that “religion shall be allowed to be taught in the public elementary and high schools. What is required from parents/guardians for the learners to attend religious instruction?

a. Verbal permit

b. Written permit

c. Text permit

d. No permit needed

Answer: b

4. Who should teach religion?

a. Designated instructors by the religious authorities

b. Designated regular teachers in the school

c. Contractual teachers hired by the local government

d. Part-time teachers paid by the PTA

Answer: a

5. In the Education Act of 1982, which is NOT a teacher’s right?

a. Free expression of opinion and suggestions

b. Joining labor organizations promoting teachers’ welfare

c. Free legal service for cases connected with professional duties

d. Filing anonymous complaint against superiors

Answer: d

6. Which are teachers’ obligations?

I. Accountable for the effective attainment of learning objectives
II. Render reports on performance of learning
III. Maintain and sustain professional growth
IV. Participate as an agent of social, moral, intellectual, and cultural change

a. I, II, III

b. III, IV, V

c. I, II, III, IV

d. III, I, IV, II

Answer: c

7. That the quality of Philippine education is declining was the result of a study by EDCOM which recommended to __________ teachers and teaching.

a. Regulates

b. Professionalizes

c. Strengthens

d. Improves

Answer: b

8. The language problem was identified in the studies and surveys conducted as early as 1929. The proposal to solve the problem is the use of the _____ for instruction from Grade 1 to 3.

a. Vernacular

b. First language

c. Strengthens

d. Improves

Answer: a

9. The Early Childhood Care and Development Act provides for the promotion of the rights of children for survival and development. Which of the following statements is NOT among its objectives?

a. Enhance the role of parents as the primary caregivers and educators of their children from birth onwards.

b. Facilitate a smooth transition from care and education provided at home to community or school-based setting and primary schools.

c. Assist the LGUs in their endeavor to prepare the child for adulthood.

d. Enhance the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and language development of young children.

Answer: c

10. Basic education is intended to lay the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. Which is NOT part of basic education?

a. Early childhood education

b. Elementary education

c. Secondary education

d. Tertiary education

Answer: d

11. The basic policy of the Education of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 is to establish and maintain a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Which of the following is NOT covered by this Act?

a. Private schools

b. Literacy classes

c. Sunday school

d. Multigrade classes

Answer: c

12. The terms ethnicity, minority, multiculturalism, and diversity are integral to the understanding of cultural proficiency in teaching. Religion is a component of culture. What constitutional provision refers to religious instruction?

a. The parents of guardians may express in writing that religion shall be allowed to be taught within regular hours by instructors designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which the children belong.

b. Religion may be taught in Values Education/Character Education by the classroom teacher.

c. Public elementary and high schools may offer religion as an optional curricular subject.

d. Religion is a required subject in all private elementary and high schools.

Answer: a

13. Republic Act. No.8491 is known as the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines.” This Act declares that flag, the anthem, and other national symbols which embody the national ideals and traditions and which express the principles of sovereignty and national solidarity.” Flags which have become worn out through wear and tear shall be ______________.

a. Thrown away

b. Solemnly burned

c. Kept in storage section

d. Washed, and given to schools without flags

Answer: b

14. What is the legal basis of shared governance in basic education?

a. RA 7160

b. RA 9942

c. RA 9155

d. RA 7844

Answer: c

15. On which philosophical foundations is reflective teaching grounded?

I. Plato’s contemplation of eternal truths
II. Aristotle’s basic method of inquiry
III. Rationalist’s superiority of reason

a. I, II, III

b. II and III

c. I and III

d. I and II

Answer: a

16. According to Plato’ “the best life is one of contemplation of eternal truths. “ What is an application of the thought in the classroom?

a. Make students and teachers reflect on their learning

b. Take reflective students as anti-social and unmotivated.

c. Emphasize on the use of the five senses.

d. Begin your classes with a prayer.

Answer: a

17. “The highest happiness is the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give more opportunity for our students to do _________.

a. Introspection

b. Cooperation learning

c. Social interaction

d. Role-playing

Answer: a

18. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier for us to _______ our pupils.

a. Respect

b. Motivates

c. Like

d. Teaches

Answer: a

19. When we teach our objections to fatalism and determinism, our thought goes with __________,

a. Existentialism

b. Stoicism

c. Skepticism

d. Humanism

Answer: a

20. When we convince our students that pleasure is not the only good in life, we object to the teachings of __________.

a. Skepticism

b. Stoicism

c. Epicureanism

d. Humanism

Answer: c

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