Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 18

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Professional Education Part 18

Choose the letter of the best answer in each question.

1. Which refers to the trait of practicing conflicting values in different venues and with different social groups?

a. Procrastination

b. “Kanya-kanya” mentality

c. Crab-mentality

d. Split-personality

Answer: d

2. After having been humiliated by Teacher A, Student B evaluates that teacher very poorly despite Teacher A’s good teaching performance. Which trait is illustrated by the student’s “bahala na”?

a. Rationalism

b. Personalism

c. Impersonalism

d. Particularism

Answer: b

3. Student C says ‘’bahala na’’ and braves the storm for a test. In this situation, which is expressed by the student’s ‘’bahala na’’?

a. Willingness to take risks

b. Lack of self-reliance

c. Indolence

d. Lack of foresight

Answer: a

4. A father used to tell his daughter, “You are a woman. You are meant for the home, and so for you, going to school is not necessary.’’ Is the father correct?

a. No, there is such a thing as gender equality in education

b. Yes, because a woman is meant to be a mother

c. It depends on the place where the daughter and father live

d. No, today there are a lot of women who do the job of men.

Answer: a

5. Despite opposition from some school officials, DepED has continuously enforced the ‘’no collection of fees’’ policy during the enrolment period for public schools. Is this policy in accordance with WFA goals?

a. No, it violates the mandate of quality education

b. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education

c. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities

d. No, it does not support parent or adult education.

Answer: b

6. It is said that some private schools employ teachers without a license. Is that in accordance with the Philippines Teachers’ Professionalization Act?

a. Yes, provided the teacher has at least five years of teaching experience

b. Yes, the Teachers’ Professionalization Act applies only to teachers in government schools.

c. No, the license as a requirement for teaching applies to teachers in both public and private schools.

d. No, except if the teacher has very satisfactory performance continuously in the past five years.

Answer: c

7. Is there a legal basis for increasing the teachers’ salary to P18,000 a month?

a. Yes, the Philippine Constitution

b. No, it is simply an act of benevolence

c. Yes, R.A. 7836

d. No, it is a gift from Congress for teachers.

Answer: a

8. A high school graduate was refused admission to a university on the grounds that he failed the admission test. The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted and the act was a violation of his right to education. Was the student CORRECT?

a. No, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom

b. Yes, education is everyone’s right

c. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous Peoples’ group

d. No, if the university is exclusively for girls

Answer: a

9. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards of quality over the minimum required for state recognition?

a. Academic freedom

b. Continuing Professional Education

c. Granting of Special Permit

d. Voluntary accreditation

Answer: d

10. “Back to the basics” movement was launched by the then DECS, now DepED, not only to upgrade pupil achievement but also to__________.

a. Emphasize the importance of the 3Rs

b. Encourage pupils to study

c. Serve as the basis for a learning continuum

d. Develop thinking skills

Answer: a

11. According to Plato, “the best life is one of contemplation of eternal truths”. What is an application of this thought in the classroom?

a. Make students and teachers reflect on their learning

b. Take reflective students as anti-social and unmotivated

c. Emphasize the use of the five senses

d. Begin classes with a prayer

Answer: a

12. “The highest happiness is the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give more opportunities for our students to do __________.

a. Introspection

b. Cooperative learning

c. Social interaction

d. Role-playing

Answer: a

13. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier to ___________ our pupils.

a. Motivate

b. Respect

c. Like

d. Teach

Answer: b

14. Teacher Maria sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?

a. Behaviorism

b. Existentialism

c. Progressivism

d. Reconstructionism

Answer: a

15. Teacher Sally thinks that from the very start, students must be made to realize that study is indeed hard work. To which philosophy does Teacher Sally adhere?

a. Progressivism

b. Perennialism

c. Essentialism

d. Reconstructionism

Answer: c

16. If your students appear to be more interested in a topic outside your planned lesson for the day, you set aside your lesson plan and take the opportunity to discuss the topic of particular interest to your students. Strike the iron while it is hot! Which philosophy governs your action?

a. Existentialism

b. Rationalism

c. Empiricism

d. Progressivism

Answer: d

17. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Then it is better to be a generalist, claims Teacher Lani. On which philosophy does Teacher Lani lean?

a. Perennialism

b. Progressivism

c. Essentialism

Answer: a

18. What can be said of teachers in Group 1? The group adheres to ________ philosophy of education.

a. Essentialism

b. Reconstructionism

c. Progressivism

d. Perennialism

Answer: a

19. To what education philosophy does Group 2 adhere?

a. Essentialism

b. Progressivism

c. Perennialism

d. Reconstructionism

Answer: c

20. To which educational philosophy is Group 3 oriented?

a. Progressivism

b. Behaviorism

c. Reconstructionism

d. Existentialism

Answer: a

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