CSE: Numerical Ability Part 1

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 1 of Numerical Ability. In preparation for the Civil Service Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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Numerical Ability Part 1

1. (2×1÷2), (4÷1×2), (6×1÷2),                     

a. 8

b. 16

c. 4

d. 32

Answer: b

2. (15-8+3), 8, (4÷2×3),          

a. 4

b. 3

c. 8

d. 2

Answer: a

3. Simplify:

33 1/3 % of 48 + 12 ½ % of 96 – 44 4/9 % of 27

a. 12

b. 16

c. 24

d. 48

Answer: b

4. 12 is 125% of what number?

a. 9.6

b. 8

c. 9

d. 10

e. 8.6

Answer: a

5. What percent of 16 is 40?

a. 2.5%

b. 2500%

c. 1/4

d. 250%

e. 25%

Answer: d

6. 1 ¼ subtracted from its reciprocal is?

a. –9/20

b. 0.45

c. 2.25

d. 9/20

e. –1/5

Answer: a

7. What is the ratio of ¼ to 3/5?

a. 1 : 3

b. 3 : 20

c. 5 : 12

d. 3 : 4

e. 5 : 4

Answer: c

8. What is the difference between √150 and √54?

a. 3 √6

b. 16 √6

c. √96

d. 6 √2

e. 2 √6

Answer: e

9. A race car travelled for 2 ½ hours with an average speed of 132 5/8 km per hour.

Find the total distance it covered.

a. 264 5/16 km

b. 331 9/16 km

c. 330 5/16 km

d. 135 1/8km

Answer: b

10. 990 − (−2)2 + (−32) − (−4)2 = ?

a. −28

b. −10

c. −9

d. 30

e. none of the above

Answer: a

11. (100)0 + (−42)−22 = ?

a. 19

b. −19

c. 13

d. 21

e. none of the above

Answer: b

12. A one fourth percent of a number is 25. What is the number?

a. 100

b. 1,000

c. 10,000

d. 100,000

Answer: c

13. A mini grocery store has a sale of Php 6435, Php 6927, Php 6855, Php 7230 and Php 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Php 6500?

a. Php 4991

b. Php 5991

c. Php 6001

d. Php 6991

Answer: a

14. The mean median and mode of 9 numbers are equal. The numbers are 12, 22, 10, 15, 14, 11, 19, 17.

What is the 9th number?

a. 14

b. 12

c. 15

d. 18

e. 11

Answer: c

15. The mean median and mode of 5 numbers are equal. The numbers are 29, 18, 24, 25.

What is the 5th number?

a. 24

b. 28

c. 29

d. 25

e. 18

Answer: a

16. 90 increased by what percent of itself gives 180?

a. 50%

b. 90%

c. 150%

d. 100%

e. 200%

Answer: d

17. If 500 or 25% of graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?

a. 2,000

b. 3,000

c. 5,000

d. 10,000

e. 20,000

Answer: a

18. In a group of 8, 000 applicants for a civil service examination, 1600 failed to take the first part of the test. What percent of the total applicants took the first part of the test?

a. 20%

b. 30%

c. 40%

d. 80%

Answer: d

19. If twice the value of a certain number is increased by 8 the result is 40. What is the number?

a. 8

b. 16

c. 24

d. 32

e. none of the above

Answer: b

20. Cassy’s father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother four years younger to her was born. What is the difference between the ages of her parents?

a. 2 years

b. 4 years

c. 6 years

d. 8 years

Answer: c

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