Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 19

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 19 of Professional Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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Professional Education Part 19

Choose the letter of the best answer in each question.

1. If Group 4 wants school to teach students to make responsible choices and be accountable for these choices, which philosophy governs the thinking of the group?

a. Existentialism

b. Perennialism

c. Progressivism

d. Reconstructionism

Answer: a

2. To which philosophy does Group 5 adhere?

a. Essentialism

b. Perennialism

c. Progressivism

d. Reconstructionism

Answer: d

3. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored?

a. Existentialism

b. Progressivism

c. Behaviorism

d. Essentialism

Answer: c

4. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?

a. #2 and #4

b. #1 and #3

c. #1 and #2

d. #3 and #4

Answer: b

5. If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response do you agree?

a. #4

b. #2

c. #1

d. #3

Answer: a

6. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher Rona?

a. Behaviorist’s

b. Existentialist’s

c. Progressivist’s

d. Rationalist’s

Answer: a

7. If you agree with Teacher Ramil, you are more of a/an__________.

a. Progressivist

b. Perennialist

c. Existentialist

d. Rationalist

Answer: a

8. Whose response denies man’s free will?

a. Teacher Ramil’s

b. Teacher Belen’s

c. Teacher Rona’s

d. Teacher David’s

Answer: c

9. If you agree with Teacher Belen, you are more of a/an __________

a. Existentialist

b. Progressivist

c. Behaviorist

d. Cognitivist

Answer: a

10. Which domain in the National Competency-Based Standards (NCBTS) upholds Gender sensitivity?

a. Social Regard for Learning

b. Learning Environment

c. Diversity of Learners

d. Community Linkages

Answer: b

11. Which legal basis guides the hiring of new teachers in the public schools?

a. Localization Law

b. Professionalization Law

c. Magna Carta for Women

d. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

Answer: a

12. When a case of child abuse is filed by parents, what law is applied?

a. Republic Act 7610

b. Republic Act 7863

c. Republic Act 7422

d. Republic Act 7650

Answer: a

13. The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates free and compulsory education at the _________ level.

a. Elementary

b. Preschool

c. High school

d. Post-secondary

Answer: a

14. The Education Act of 1982 categorically states that it is a teacher’s _______’’to refrain from making deductions in scholastic rating for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.”

a. Obligation

b. Right

c. Prerogative

d. Responsibility

Answer: a

15. Who would most likely agree with the statement “To be truly ethical, a person must have the experience of sustained responsibility for the welfare of others”?

a. Fowler

b. Schaie

c. Piaget

d. Kohlberg

Answer: d

16. The official title of the Philippine National Anthem is ________.

a. Bayang Magiliw

b. Alab ng Puso

c. Lupang Hinirang

d. Pilipinas Kong Mahal

Answer: c

17. Which test item is in the highest level of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives?

a. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem.

b. Explain how trees receive nutrients

c. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.

d. Write a paragraph that observes coherence, unity, and variety

Answer: d

18. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine schools_________.

a. Within regular class hours

b. After class

c. During the vacant period

d. After regard for learning

Answer: a

19. Which is NOT a domain of the NCBTS?

a. Learning Environment

b. Alternative Learning

c. Diversity of Learners

d. Social Regard for Learning

Answer: b

20. Scaffolding is integral to the __________ theory of learning.

a. Behaviorist

b. Existentialist

c. Essentialist

d. Constructivist

Answer: d

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