Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 8

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Professional Education Part 8

Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. “Validity is a unitary concept”. What does this expression mean?

a. Different types of test are brought together to form a single, valid assessment.

b. A valid test is one that has a single purpose.

c. There are not different kinds of validity, just different kinds of evidence of validity.

d. A valid test is one that has universal application in a variety of situations.

Answer: c

2. What define and differentiate levels of performance?

a. Portfolios

b. Researches

c. Tests

d. Rubrics

Answer: d

3. Which are TRUE of K to 12 assessment of the Department of Education?

I. It emphasizes formative learning.
II. It is standard-based.
III. It gives more weight to knowledge.
IV. It gives less weight to understanding.

a. I and IV

b. II and III

c. III and IV

d. I and II

Answer: d

4. Which test has a higher diagnostic value?

a. Restricted essay

b. Multiple Choice

c. Problem solving

d. Extended essay

Answer: b

5. Which test has a higher diagnostic value?

a. Binary test

b. Restricted essay

c. Extended essay

d. Problem solving

Answer: a

6. If, before you proceed, you want to know what your students already know about your cognitive lesson for the day, which test may serve best your purpose?

a. Objective test

b. Short answer test

c. Essay

d. Performance test

Answer: a

7. Which goes with assessment of learning?

a. Given at the end of a grading period

b. Self-assessment

c. Guides teacher in adjusting instruction

d. Highly reflective

Answer: a

8. The following go with assessment for learning EXCEPT:

a. Given at the end of a grading period

b. Given at the beginning

c. Guides teacher in adjusting instruction

d. Done in the process of instruction

Answer: a

9. Which is TRUE of diagnostic assessment?

a. It has a formative purpose.

b. It has a summative purpose.

c. It is for grade purposes.

d. It is given at the end of a lesson.

Answer: a

10. Which is TRUE of diagnostic assessment?

a. It has a summative purpose.

b. It is for grade purposes.

c. It is given at the end of a lesson.

d. It enables teachers to provide the scaffolding that students need.

Answer: d

11. Some experts believe that assessment has more influence on the way students study and learn than any other aspect of the teaching-learning process. What is an implication of this to instruction and assessment?

a. Measure higher-level outcomes to motivate students to engage in higher level learning.

b. Avoid grading tests.

c. Make students compete against one another to meet high expectations.

d. Make use of descriptive grading system.

Answer: a

12. Which one brings down the reliability of a test item?

a. Ambiguous test item

b. Long test

c. Combining objective and essay test

d. Easy mere recall items

Answer: a

13. Which one brings down the reliability of a test item?

a. Long test

b. Combining objective and essay test

c. Unclear test direction

d. Pre recall test items

Answer: c

14. Which one brings down the reliability of a test item?

a. Long test

b. Combining objective and essay test

c. Pre call test items

d. Inconsistent scoring

Answer: d

15. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Use a sufficient number of items.

b. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Think of the criteria of scoring an essay test after you have read the paper of the best student.

Answer: a

16. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

b. Specify scoring criteria in advance.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Ask high-level questions.

Answer: b

17. Which is a way of increasing the reliability of assessment?

a. Limit your number of test items to 10 or less.

b. Ask high-level questions.

c. Do away with test direction.

d. Score test without knowing the owner of the test that you are assessing.

Answer: d

18. Is an unreliable assessment valid?

a. Yes

b. Depends on the difficulty index of the test item.

c. No, because it gives inconsistent information even if it is aligned with assessment.

d. Information is insufficient to give a categorical answer.

Answer: c

19. Sample Question Frames such as: “Who invented the…?”, “What is meant by…?”, “Where is the…?” fall under what level of questions in Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy of objectives?

a. Comprehension

b. Application

c. Knowledge

d. Analysis

Answer: c

20. Sample Question Frames such as “Restate in your own words…”, “Convert fractions into…?” and “List three reasons for…?” are classified __ question in Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy.

a. Comprehension

b. Application

c. Knowledge

d. Analysis

Answer: a

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