LET: TLE Part 11

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TLE Part 11

1.  A diode is an electronic part is expected to do one of the following functions all times. Which one?

a. Allow current to flow in both directions

b. Multiply voltage

c. Allow current to flow in one directions only

d. DO not allow current flow

Answer: c

2. There are four types of diodes. The diode that acts as a regular us the ______ diode.

a. silicon

b. crystal

c. lightning

d. zener

Answer: d

3. You will find an electrode nearest the white band on a rectifier. What is it?

a. anode

b. cathode

c. gate

d. main terminal

Answer: b

4. When a diode is tested and the reading is zero, it means that the diode is ______.

a. shorted

b. open

c. leaky

d. good

Answer: a

5. If the transistor is an NPN type the base is _____.

a. negative and positive

b. negative

c. positive

d. common

Answer: c

6. If the arrow of the transistor is pointing inward it tells us the transistor is ______.

a. NPN

b. PNP

c. bipolar

d. injunction

Answer: b

7. In the electronic symbol if a transistor, the electrode with an arrow is the ______.

a. emitter

b. base

c. collector

d. cathode

Answer: a

8. The production of magnetic field by current in a conductor is called _____.

a. electromagnetism

b. ferromagnetic

c. magnetic

d. diamagnetic

Answer: a

9. The type of current which the amplitude drops to zero periodically and is produced in rectifier is known as ______.

a. Pulsating direct current

b. damped alternating current

c. varying direct current

d. saw tooth wave

Answer: a

10. Printed on the dial of an AM radio is an RF band covering ______.

a. kHz 76-90 Mhz

b. 88-108 Mhz

c. 16Hz- 20kHz

d. 535-1605 kHz

Answer: d

11. An ordinary radio can be tuned in different stations. The electronic component responsible for this function is the ______.

a. tuning capacitor

b. oscillator

c. IF transforms

d. detector diode

Answer: a

12. The condition of a loud speaker is tested more accurately using one of the range listed below. Which one?

a. Rx1k

b. Rx10

c. Rx1

d. Rx10K

Answer: a

13. Working efficient is a good work habit. Tinning the tip of soldering iron refers to _____.

a. Cleaning the tip with a sand paper

b. making the tip pointed

c. cutting the tip

d. applying flux the tip

Answer: a

14. The common cause of erratic or distorted sound of a transistor radio is a defective _____.

a. amplifier

b. volume control

c. antenna

d. tuner

Answer: b

15. An appliances with 110V AC supply is accidentally plugged to 220V AC outlet. What component is usually destroyed?

a. switch

b. AC plug

c. Line fuse

d. Power transformer

Answer: c

16. Which form of electricity has current flow always in the same direction?

a. Voltage

b. Power

c. Alternating current

d. Direct current

Answer: d

17. The for of electricity has currently flow always in the same direction?

a. power

b. resistance

c. electromagnetism

d. frequency

Answer: b

18. Which part of an electrical circuit converts electrical energy into another form of energy to do work?

a. load

b. circuit

c. source

d. control

Answer: a

19. A law that states that the current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known as ______.

a. PEC

b. Law of resistivity

c. Kirchoff’s law

d. Ohm’s law

Answer: d

20. Circuit breakers are used to protect household electrical circuits. What is the capacity rating of the breaker used for convenience outlets of general purpose circuits?

a. 20 Amperes

b. 30 Amperes

c. 15 Amperes

d. 60 Amperes

Answer: a

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