LET: General Education Part 25

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 25 of General Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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General Education Part 25

1. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or indirectly, in the establishment or administration of the government, suffrage and information in matters of public concern.

a. Political Rights

b. Civil Rights

c. Constitutional Rights

d. Economic Rights

e. Cultural Rights

Answer: a

2. The rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at the instance of private individuals for the purpose of securing the enjoyment of their means of happiness. Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.

a. Constitutional Rights

b. Social & Economic Rights

c. Civil Rights

d. Political Rights

e. Cultural Rights

Answer: c

3. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well-being and economic security of individuals. Among them are the right to property and just compensation.

a. Social & Economic Rights

b. Cultural Rights

c. Civil Rights

d. Constitutional Rights

e. Political Rights

Answer: a

4. The power of the State to enact laws or regulations in relation to persons and properties as may promote public health, safety, general welfare and convenience.

a. Power of Eminent Domain

b. Police Power

c. Power of Taxation

d. Emergency Powers

Answer: b

5. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden upon persons, property or property rights for the use and support of the government and to enable it to dis-charge its’ appropriate functions..

a. Eminent Domain

b. Police Power

c. Taxation

d. Constitutional Powers

e. Expropriation

Answer: c

6. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally recognized rights or duties between the State and private persons brought before the Judiciary.

a. Executive Powers

b. Legislative Powers

c. Judicial Powers

d. Constitutional Powers

e. Police Powers

Answer: c

7. Under 1987 Constitution, which among its’ basic principles embody the sociological aspects of life?

a. Separation of State and Church

b. Empowerment of People Power

c. Recognition of Family as a basic social institution

d. Empowerment of Suffrage

Answer: c

8. The measurement of the total value of a country’s economic production.

a. Gross National Product (GNP)

b. National Income

c. NET National Production

d. Per Capita Income

Answer: a

9. The major purpose of taxation.

a. provides State income

b. redistribute the monetary resources

c. lessen the disposable income

d. controls financial deficit

Answer: a

10. A policy that controls taxes and government expenditures.

a. monetary policy

b. fiscal policy

c. trade policy

d. investment policy

Answer: b

11. CARP’s (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program) primary aim or purpose.

a. make the tiller the owner of the land he cultivates

b. achieve a dignified existence for the small farmers

c. provide the necessary support facilities, instructions and services

d. provide credit facilities like loans and financing

Answer: b

12. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution

a. 3 years

b. 6 years

c. 3 years with re-election

d. 6 years with re-election

Answer: b

13. It embodies the national policy on information technology and serves as a guide to all government agencies in the effective utilization of information technology resources.

a. National Information Technology Plan (NITP)

b. Information Technology Development Program

c. Science and Technology Development Program

d. Information Technology Utilization Plan

Answer: a

14. It is the electronic commerce between individual consumers.

a. B2B (business to business)

b. C2C (consumer to consumer)

c. E-mail

d. B2C (business to consumer)

Answer: b

15. It is the environmental milestone that requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and ban the use if incinerators.

a. The Greenpeace Act

b. The Environment Care Act

c. The Clean Air Act

d. The Anti-Pollution Law

Answer: c

16. A broader regional free trade zone established composed of ASEAN engaging Japan, China and South Korea in expanding economic relations.

a. ASEAN Free Trade Zone

b. “ASEAN Plus Three”

c. APEC Economic Zone

d. APEC Free Trade Zone

Answer: b

17. Program designed to solve the social ills of the Filipino society through social renewal and transformation and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people.

a. People Empowerment

b. “Galing Mo Pinoy!”

c. People’s Initiative

d. Moral Recovery Program

Answer: d

18. The integration of national markers into a single world market place where goods, services, financial capital and technology flow unhampered between countries.

a. Market liberation

b. Free Trade Zone

c. Globalization

d. Market Integration

Answer: c

19. World body with 143 member-countries that set governing rules in economic relations and trade.

a. World Trade Organization

b. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

c. United Nations

d. U.N. Conference on Trade and Development

Answer: a

20. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments, to guide economic activity.

a. Liberalization

b. Deregulation

c. Globalisation

d. Privatization

Answer: b

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