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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 1 of MAPEH. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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MAPEH Part 1

1. K to Grade 3 children have difficulty in shooting a basketball through an upright hoop because of this vision-related factor? Which factor is referred to?

a. Figured-ground perception

b. Hand-and-eye coordination

c. Depth perception

d. Peripheral vision

Answer: a

2. Unlike adults and older children, children up to the age of 7 are unable to understand coaching instructions, rules or strategies, or to contemplate doing two things at the same time. Which theory explains this?

a. Kolb’s learning style

b. Bandura’s social cognitive theory (self-efficacy)

c. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (preoperational stage of thinking)

d. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)

Answer: c

3. Children aged up to 7 focus on dribbling the football only but do not consider the possibility of passing the ball to a teammate. This is an illustration of _______.

a. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (preoperational stage of thinking)

b. Bandura’s social cognitive theory (self-efficacy)

c. Kolb’s learning style

d. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)

Answer: a

4. Which of the following BEST describes the main goal of Physical Education?

a. Improving the cognitive, affective (socio-emotional) and psychomotor capacities of students through physical activities.

b. Teaching the knowledge, skills and values for students to live a healthy lifestyle now and in the future

c. Improving the physical fitness of all students, regardless of individual differences in abilities and backgrounds.

d. Promote physical fitness and health that complements the rest of the school curriculum

Answer: B

5. What is the most important factor that contributes to the decline of PE recently?

a. More subjects in the school curriculum and focus on academics leading to reduced time allocation in PE

b. Dominance of technology and prevalence of sedentariness (inadequate physical activity) leading to irrelevance of PE as a subject

c. Lack of professionalization in PE (PE teachers are non-specialists; poor quality of degree programs in PE)

d. Focus on sports that cater to athletes’  needs instead of the majority of students’ need to achieve and maintain fitness and health through sporting activities

Answer: A

6. Physical Education traces its origins in.

a. ancient Greek belief in a sound mind in a sound body

b. ancient Olympic Games

c. PE movement in Europe (end of Renaissance era) that centered around gymnastics and calisthenics

d. military training and preparation for war.

Answer: A

7. In the attribution motivation theory (Weiner), teachers would most prefer their students to ____.

a. be intrinsically motivated

b. ascribe their performance to their environment such as God’s help, others’ support, their competitors, the game officials, playing facilities and equipment

c. ascribe their performance outcomes to their own ability and effort

d. be extrinsically motivated

Answer: c

8. Physical literacy is best described as a composite of ______.

a. Health-related, skill-related and physiological fitness that enable students to perform a variety of physical activities.

b. body management, locomotor and non-locomotor and object control or manipulative skills that enable students to perform a variety pf physical activities

c. games, sports, rhythms and dance that lead to improved fitness and maintenance of good health

d. fundamental movement, motor and activity specific skills and equip students for an active lifestyle

Answer: d

9. Perseverance is most likely to be encouraged by physical education activities that ______.

a. are challenging, yet within the reach of students’ capabilities

b. allow students to experience both success and failure so they strive to do their best every time

c. extremely challenging, requiring a high degree of skill

d. extremely easy in order to obtain many opportunities for positive feedback

Answer: a

10. After completing their personal fitness assessments, the teacher asks each student to write down an individual fitness goal and three possible ways to achieve this, Which is the primary benefit of this activity?

a. It allows the student the opportunity to focus either on an area of strength or weakness.

b. It minimize student resistance to participate in efforts to improve fitness.

c. It gives the student greater individual responsibility for his/her own learning and fitness.

d. It maintains the privacy of each student in developing and pursuing fitness goals.

Answer: c

11. With which educational philosophy does Physical Education meet strong opposition because of its emphasis on the basics and other academic subjects?

a. Essentialism

b. Progressivism

c. Existentialism

d. Idealism

Answer: a

12. Comprehensive health education fosters student resilience through the coordinated teaching of health, family and consumer and physical education. What does it imply?

a. For greater focus and in-depth treatment of topics in health only health topics are discussed in Health.

b. The health of children is the primary and sole responsibility of parents.

c. Health education integrates Health, Home Economics and Physical Education.

d. The child’s health is primary his/her own making.

Answer: c

13. Comprehensive health education encompasses health education, physical education, and family and consumer sciences. What does the statement imply about the nature of health education in schools?

a. Inherently interdisciplinary

b. Considered minor subject only

c. Indispensable in the curriculum

d. Concern of Health Education teachers only

Answer: a

14. Does collaborative health education include food services at the school canteen?

a. Definitely yes

b. Definitely no

c. Maybe

d. No. The curriculum has nothing to do with food services.

Answer: a

15. Read the following.

Our vocational high school students, with the support of staff members, organize the clean-up of the barangay, as  well as beautifying our school grounds. The Home Economics curriculum devotes several hours to heath, including safety, personal curriculum devotes several hours to health, including safety, personal hygiene, sanitation, food-borne illnesses, menu planning, and nutrition. Our newest endeavor is an attempt to bridge the gap between our students and the elderly by inviting several senior citizens to lunch at our student-operated restaurant each month. They are accompanied by students and welcomed to tour our facilities.

What does this prove?

I. Health can be taught and learned in many different classrooms and disciplines.

II. An effective health education is collaborative in approach.

III. An effective health education is integrative in approach.

a. I, II and III

b. I only

c. I and II

d. II and III

Answer: a

16. What principle of teaching is illustrated in the Health Education described above?

I. Effective teaching is integrative,

II. Learning by doing

III. Learning is inquiry-based.

a. I and II

b. II only

c. I only

d. I, II and III

Answer: a

17. Student concerns, interest, views, and ideas are central to active learning and to the classroom assessment of comprehensive health education. This principle states that an effective education is ______.

a. collaborative

b. multiple intelligences-based

c. responsive and relevant

d. interactive

Answer: c

18. Scare stories and blanket admonition about responsibility are insufficient to help students to assess risk rationally or make health-enhancing decisions.

What does this imply about health education?

a. Teach students to inquire, reason, and solve problems.

b. Make students memorize health tips.

c. Follow up children’s eating habits at home.

d. Inspect packed lunch to ensure that children eat health food.

Answer: a

19. Teacher A makes it a point to give the sone its historical background before teaching it to the class. On which principle of music education is her practice based?

a. Music is an opportunity to teach moral and spiritual values.

b. Music is an opportunity to self-expression through a group activity.

c. Music offers an opportunity for understanding other people and their cultures.

d. Music is a means to teach the duties of citizenship.

Answer: c

20. It is said the when Filipinos abroad sing “Bayan Ko” the feeling to come home and serve the country is heightened. What does this tell about music?

a. Music is an opportunity for self-expression.

b. Music adds flavor to socials.

c. Music has a socializing function.

d. Patriotism and nationalism can be effective taught through music.

Answer: d

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