Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 5

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This is the Multiple Choice Questions Part 5 of Professional Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice and familiarize yourself with each question we have, as it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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Professional Education Part 5

Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. For diagnostic purposes, which Scoring Rubric will be most appropriate?

a. Analytic

b. Holistic

c. Global

d. Descriptive

Answer: a

2. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: selecting a response, Authentic assessment: __________

a. performing a task

b. matching the answer

c. filling in the blanks

d. identifying the answer

Answer: a

3. Complete the analogy: Authentic response: real-life, Traditional assessment: ___________

a. real task

b. simulated activity

c. contrived

d. role-playing

Answer: c

4. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: recall, Authentic assessment: __________

a. comprehension

b. interpretation

c. recognition

d. application

Answer: d

5. Complete the analogy: Traditional assessment: indirect, Authentic assessment: __________

a. circumstantial evidence

b. conclusion

c. direct evidence

d. generalization

Answer: c

6. Authentic assessments are said to be more student-structured than teacher-structured. What does this mean?

Authentic assessment:

a. allows more student choice in determining what is presented as evidence of proficiency.

b. is limited to the presentation of evidence of learning that is designed by the teacher.

c. limits the presentation of evidence of learning to that which is acceptable to the teacher.

d. allows students to choose the topic/s to learn over which to show proof of learning.

Answer: a

7. Why are traditional assessments said to be more teacher-structured than student-structured?

a. What students will show as proof of learning is dependent on what the teacher asks.

b. Students can show evidence of learning much more than what the teacher asks.

c. In traditional assessment, teachers limit tests to low-level test items.

d. Traditional assessment is not as challenging as authentic assessment.

Answer: a

8. Are authentic assessments more student-structured than teacher-structured?

a. No, it is more teacher-structured.

b. It depends on the teacher giving the authentic assessment.

c. Yes, it is more student-structured.

d. It depends on the type of authentic assessment given.

Answer: c

9. Is traditional assessment more student-structured than teacher-structured?

a. No, it is more teacher-structured.

b. It depends on the orientation of the teacher giving the traditional assessment.

c. Yes, it is more student-structured.

d. It can be determined by the ability of the students taking the test.

Answer: a

10. What does “teaching to the test” mean?

a. Teachers teach by focusing primarily on those that will be tested.

b. Teachers teach in such a way that students perform well on meaningful tasks.

c. Teachers use tests to teach.

d. Teachers begin and end instruction with a test.

Answer: a

11. Which one shows that authentic assessment encourages integration of teaching, learning, and assessing?

a. Students are asked to give back information they were taught.

b. Students are asked to apply what they were taught.

c. Students learn when they solve real-world problems, assess their own solutions to the problem with a teacher facilitating.

d. The teacher presents a word problem in Math, gives a formula to solve the problem, and asks students to check their answers.

Answer: c

12. Assessment should be multiple and varied. What does this mean?

I. Sufficient number of samples of student performance must be obtained.
II. Use different tools to determine students’ application of learning.
III. Cater to the multiple intelligences.

a. I, II

b. II and III

c. I, III

d. I, II, and III

Answer: d

13. Which illustrate/s multiple and varied assessment?

Use an observation-based assessment tool and:

I. observe not only one but all the students.
II. observe as frequently and as regularly as possible.
III. stick to only one observation tool.
IV. observe both routine and exceptional occurrences.

a. I and IV

b. I, II, and III

c. I and II

d. I, II, and IV

Answer: d

14. The following are characteristics of authentic assessment EXCEPT:

a. criterion-referenced

b. requires students to use a range of HOTS

c. emphasizes performance

d. norm-referenced

Answer: d

15. The following are characteristics of authentic assessment EXCEPT:

a. encourages both teacher and students to determine their rate of progress

b. encourages rote learning

c. discourages passive learning

d. emphasizes student’s performance in real-world situations.

Answer: b

16. Which are examples of authentic assessment activities?

I. Writing reports
II. Defending a thesis
III. Doing science experiments
IV. Answering a multi-matching test

a. IV only

b. I, II, and IV

c. I and IV

d. I, II, and III

Answer: d

17. Which are TRUE of a portfolio?

By means of a portfolio:

I. the teacher can assess the growth and development of the students at various levels
II. students can display any work they want to display
III. parents have a concrete picture of their children’s progress in school
IV. instructional supervisors have a concrete basis in evaluating their academic program

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. III and IV

Answer: d

18. Teacher Rose likes to determine whether or not a student is able to focus the microscope according to set standards. Which assessment tool will she use?

a. Performance checklist

b. Self-report

c. Oral questioning

d. Observation report

Answer: a

19. Teacher Paz wants to determine a student’s ability to communicate ideas in coherent verbal sentences. Which performance assessment tool is most fit?

a. Oral questioning

b. Observation

c. Self-report

d. Behavior checklist

Answer: a

20. Teacher D makes use of a binary test? Which does she make use of?

I. True-false
II. Fact-opinion
III. Right-wrong
IV. Yes-no

a. I, II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. I, II, III, and IV

Answer: d

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