Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 10

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This is the Multiple Choice Questions Part 10 of Professional Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice and familiarize yourself with each question we have, as it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck. Be sure to check out the previous parts for a complete preparation experience.

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Professional Education Part 10

Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. For quality professional development, teachers must consider the NCBTS, which are the established standards for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by the acronym NCBTS?

a. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

b. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards

c. National Competency-Basic Teacher Standards

d. National Competency-Basic Teaching Standards

Answer: a

2. You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What characteristic should you look for?

a. Depends on the availability of funds

b. Prescribed by top educational leaders

c. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs

d. Required for renewal of a professional license

Answer: c

3. How do you know a program for teachers’ professional development that meets high standards from one that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers to __________.

a. gets promoted

b. gets intrinsically motivated to grow continuously

c. earns MA units for ranking purposes

d. put themselves far above their students

Answer: b

4. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does the statement imply about quality personal and professional development for teachers?

a. The teacher is able to teach his/her students.

b. The teacher learns from his/her students

c. It is continuing

d. Personal and professional development calls for teacher’s exposure to students.

Answer: c

5. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development, which measure must be implemented?

I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers.
II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan.
III. The implementation of what is learned in training must be monitored.

a. I and II

b. II only

c. I only

d. II and III

Answer: d

6. Societal change requires continually deep-seated questions about “good” living. Which of these did Socrates recognize as the greatest of the human virtues?

a. Moral wisdom

b. Fair justice

c. Courage

d. Piety

Answer: a

7. Which competencies are expected of BEEd and BSEd graduates?

I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking
II. Principled understanding of the learning processes
III. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.
IV. Acting as an agent of change

a. III and IV

b. I, II, III

c. I, II, III, IV

d. I and III

Answer: b

8. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and relevant teacher development initiatives?

a. Lifelong learning

b. Focus on the non-performers

c. Capacity building of educational community

d. Mentoring of who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning

Answer: a

9. Teachers are required to make an Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD). This is based on the philosophy that the teacher is a “lifelong learner.” The NCBTS provides the steps for ___________ assessment in making the IPPD.

a. need

b. collegial

c. self

d. peer

Answer: c

10. To ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and professional development, what tool/instrument was developed by the DepED for self-assessment?



c. KSP


Answer: a

11. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in planning the _______ training of teachers.

a. preservice

b. post-service

c. school-based

d. division-based

Answer: c

12. The results of the LET revealed the low performance of future teachers. In April 2010 only 15% of the BEEd and 25% of BSEd graduates passed. What do the results imply?

a. More training be given to BEEd students

b. Review existing teacher education curriculum vis-à-vis TOS

c. Determent selective admission in TEIS

Answer: b

13. The Domain on Social Regard for Learning in the NCBTS focuses on teacher’s actions and demonstrating value for learning for learning. Which are the indicators for these actions?

I. Model the value of punctuality
II. Consider the influence of teacher’s behavior on learners
III. Use cooperative learning activities
IV. Communicate higher expectations

a. III and IV

b. I and II

c. I and III

d. II and IV

Answer: b

14. The new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST) is ________.

a. knowledge-based

b. practice-based

c. competency-based

d. skill-based

Answer: c

15. What characterizes the formative developmental nature of PAST?

a. non-supportive

b. innovative

c. rewarding

d. self-directed

Answer: d

16. Which are the job-embedded requirements for teachers and so must continuously develop themselves in these aspects?

I. Maintains updated pupils/student school records.
II. Conducts action research
III. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders
IV. Channels and guide learners

a. I, II, III

b. I, II, III, IV

c. II, III, IV

d. I, III, IV

Answer: b

17. The teacher performance results provide continual __________ to professional development.

a. support

b. feedback

c. guidance

d. assessment

Answer: b

18. Which two competencies are demonstrated and practiced during the Field Study and Practice Teaching Courses?

I. Teaching Assistance
II. Grading learner’s performance
III. Interpersonal relationship
IV. Materials development

a. II and III

b. III and IV

c. I and IV

d. II and IV

Answer: a

19. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will enable him/her to look at problems as opportunities?

I. Addressing problems as fast as possible
II. Remaining alert to the possibility
III. Foster sense of accomplishment
IV. Promote sense of belonging

a. I, II, III

b. II, III, IV

c. I, III, IV

d. I, II, IV

Answer: a

20. As a professional teacher you must be good at interactive communication. What does interactive communication include?

I. Person-to-person e-mail correspondence
II. Interaction through simulations and models
III. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat rooms
IV. Group interaction in virtual learning space or audio communications

a. I and II

b. II and III

c. I, II, and III

d. I, II, III, and IV

Answer: d

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