Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 12

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Professional Education Part 12

Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been absent for the past three days. Considering the teacher’s roles and responsibilities, what action will you take?

a. Record the absences

b. Conduct home visitation

c. Report to the guidance counselor

d. Conduct action research

Answer: b

2. As a researcher, which may be a good problem for a teacher’s action research to improve learning outcomes?

a. Class Molave’s performance in NAT during the SY 2010-2011

b. High percentage of absenteeism during Fridays

c. Turnover of teachers during the current school year

d. High percentage of tardiness during Mondays

Answer: a

3. How are schools influenced when parents’ measure of an excellent school is children’s ability to read as early as pre-kindergarten?

a. Focus on academics

b. Integration of values in the curriculum

c. Application of socio-emotional learning

d. Exclusive use of reading books published by the school

Answer: a

4. To respond to the needs of industry, which one do schools focus on?

a. Technical skills

b. Humanities

c. Basic literacy skills

d. Social relations

Answer: a

5. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made schools rethink the curriculum. Which changes are being introduced in schools to counteract campus violence?

I. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
II. Emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others
III. Focus on academic achievement and productivity

a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. I, II, and III

Answer: a

6. The wide acceptance of “bottom-up” management style has influenced schools to practice which management practice?

a. Prescription of what ought to be done from the central office

b. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises

c. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning

d. Allowing schools to do what they think is best

Answer: c

7. In their desire to make schools perform, the DepED then published the ranking of schools in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?

I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test

a. II and III

b. II only

c. I and III

d. III only

Answer: a

8. Large class sizes in congested cities are a common problem in our public school system. Which stop-gap measure(s) have schools taken?

I. The deployment of more teachers
II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
III. The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions

a. I, II, and III

b. I and II

c. III only

d. II only

Answer: c

9. What does the acronym EFA imply to schools?

I. Practice of inclusive education
II. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-formal
III. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys or for girls
IV. The promotion of alternative learning system

a. II and IV
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I and IV

Answer: d

10. Which conclusion can be derived from the case of Teacher Rita described below? Teacher Rita is the lone teacher in a stand-alone remote multigrade school. Teacher Rita is the school head, nurse rolled into one.

a. The geographical location of a school has an influence on the role of a teacher

b. A teacher of a remote school has more problems than one in an urban setting

c. A remote school cannot perform as well as a center school

d. A multigrade school is an indicator of a lack of budget for education

Answer: a

11. Which recent action(s) show(s) that political factors affect schools as agents of change?

I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippine schools
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The turnover of day care centers from DSWD to DepED for supervision

a. I and III

b. I and IV

c. II and III

d. II and IV

Answer: d

12. In a Muslim area, what will a teacher REFRAIN from doing as she teaches how to cook adobo to her class?

a. She excludes pork from her adobo lesson

b. She leads the class in a prayer before meals before they partake of the cooked adobo

c. She exempts the Muslim children from the lesson on cooking adobo

d. She differentiates the task to the boys from the girls

Answer: a

13. For what main reason are schools as change agents advised to offer courses that industries need?

a. Economic

b. Environmental

c. Political

d. Historical

Answer: a

14. For more efficient and effective management of schools as agents of change, one proposal for the DepED to do is to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the strongest influence on this proposal?

a. Political

b. Psychological

c. Historical

d. Geographical

Answer: d

15. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. Which one does this prove about schools?

a. Environmental factors influence the school as an agent of change

b. Schools can easily integrate sustainable development in their curriculum

c. The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth

d. Sustainable development cannot be effectively taught in the classrooms

Answer: a

16. Your class has several IP (Indigenous Peoples) children. Which one will facilitate pupils’ learning?

a. Make the IP children feel proud of themselves

b. Group the class permanently by ethnic origin

c. Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest

d. Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children

Answer: a

17. Teacher Nenita discourages her students from watching TV excessively. The average student spends about twenty-four hours watching television in a week. According to research, how is learning affected by extensive TV viewing?

a. Shorter attention span

b. Enhanced creativity

c. Improved thinking ability

d. Improved communication skills

Answer: a

18. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students’ ___________.

a. High degree of independence

b. High degree of dependence on authority

c. Unpreparedness for schooling

d. Ambivalence

Answer: b

19. With an increasing variety of family situations, a teacher needs to ___________.

a. Be careful not to inadvertently offend some students

b. Encourage students to improve their family situation

c. Assume that all students want to know a variety of family situations

d. Broaden students’ realization of different learning styles

Answer: a

20. The adoption of a national language by the 1987 Constitution is designed primarily to __________.

a. Do away with colonial mentality

b. Facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups

c. Counteract elitism

Answer: b

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