Multiple Choice Questions for Professional Education Part 7

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This is the Multiple Choice Questions Part 7 of Professional Education. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice and familiarize yourself with each question we have, as it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck. Be sure to check out the previous parts for a complete preparation experience.

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Professional Education Part 7

Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. In what way are students involved in the formative process?

a. monitor their ongoing progress

b. set their own learning goals

c. show proof of learning

d. evaluate instruction

Answer: a

2. What does a portfolio include?

I. Student participation in selecting contents
II. Criteria for selection
III. Criteria for judging merits
IV. Evidence of a student’s self-reflection

a. I, II, III, and IV

b. I and II

c. I, II, and III

d. I only

Answer: a

3. Which type of portfolio includes the best and weakest of student work?

a. Development portfolio

b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio

Answer: a

4. Which type of portfolio emphasizes students’ reflection on their learning, including the use of reflective journals, think logs, and related forms of metacognitive processing?

a. Development portfolio

b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio

Answer: a

5. Which type of portfolio is best used for summative evaluation of students’ mastery of key curriculum outcomes?

a. Development portfolio

b. Process portfolio

c. Showcase portfolio

d. Performance portfolio

Answer: c

6. Which is NOT TRUE of an appropriate assessment method?

a. Requires minimum effort to develop

b. Is a valid and reliable measure of the learning targets

c. Method matches the learning targets

d. Yields evidence that the learning targets were met

Answer: a

7. A teacher constructs a test blueprint prior to writing items for a test to ensure test ___________.

a. validity

b. scorability

c. reliability

d. fairness

Answer: a

8. Which of the following actions contributes to enhancing a test’s validity?

a. Comparing the scores of students with different demographic characteristics

b. Re-administering the test to the same examinees at least two weeks apart

c. Comparing scores on the same examinees before and after instruction

d. Having other people examine the items to make sure there is nothing offensive

Answer: c

9. Which of the following actions contributes to the improvement of test reliability?

a. Increase the number of items and score points on the test.

b. Decrease the number of inferences or decisions based on the results.

c. Increase the number of objectives measured by the test.

d. Decrease the number of different types of item formats used.

Answer: a

10. The learning specialist administers a set of tests to identify specific weaknesses in Nick’s learning processes. These types of tests are known as ___________ tests.

a. diagnostic

b. aptitude

c. intelligence

d. formative

Answer: a

11. Which is TRUE of authentic tests?

a. Use norm-referenced grading

b. Emphasize breadth of knowledge more than depth

c. Maximize comparisons among students

d. Entail self-assessment

Answer: d

12. Which of these BEST defines assessment?

a. Judging the quality of student performance

b. Specifying what students should know and be able to do

c. Reporting what students have learned or not learned

d. Gathering information about students to make decisions

Answer: a

13. Which of these BEST explains pre-instructional assessment?

a. Establishes baselines grades for a unit of instruction

b. Monitors student learning during a unit of instruction

c. Determines what students learned as a result of instruction

d. Guides learning targets and activities for a unit of instruction

Answer: a

14. If Teacher Marian wants to determine what is considered acceptable evidence of mastery of the specific learning targets, it is best for her to

a. plan a schedule when assessments will be administered

b. plan how to give students’ feedback based on evidence

c. announce to students what the grading system will be

d. determine what assessment methods will yield the evidence

Answer: d

15. Which is a feature of an imperfect matching type of test?

a. An answer may be repeated.

b. The items in the 2 columns are not equal.

c. Items on the left and right column have a one to one correspondence.

d. Its premises are vague.

Answer: a

16. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of recent trends in assessment?

a. On-going gathering of information throughout instruction

b. Publicly-known criteria for evaluating performance

c. Variety of methods used to gather information about performance

d. Gathering performance information about isolated skills or facts

Answer: d

17. Which are TRUE of portfolio assessment?

I. Promotes student self-evaluation, reflection, and critical thinking
II. Measures performance based on genuine samples of student work
III. Provides flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their learning goals
IV. Enables teachers and students to share the responsibility for setting learning goals and for evaluating progress toward meeting those goals

a. I and II

b. I and IV

c. II and III

d. I, II, III, and IV

Answer: a

18. Which is/are non-restricted essay test item/s?

I. Should the lawmakers’ pork barrel be abolished?
II. What is meant by pork barrel?
III. Trace the origin of pork barrel in the Philippines

a. I only

b. II and III

c. II only

d. III only

Answer: a

19. Which of the following statements best defines content standard?

a. When students should accomplish the content standards

b. The rate at which students should accomplish the content standards

c. How well students should accomplish the content standards

d. What students should know and be able to do

Answer: d

20. According to the current test theory, test validity is best described as

a. the appropriateness of the inferences or use that results from the assessment

b. the equitableness with which the assessment measures members of different groups

c. the consistency with which the test measures something over time

d. the ease with which the assessment may be scored fairly by different people

Answer: a

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