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LET: Social Science Part 1

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 1 of Social Science. In preparation for the LET Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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Social Science Part 1

1. The Philippines ten-year transaction period before the granting of complete independence from the Americans.

a. Commonwealth Government

b. Third Republic

c. Puppet government

d. Revolutionary

Answer: a

2. The Act/Law that led to the granting of ten year transition period.

a. Here-Hawes Cutting Bill

b. Tydings-McDuffie Law

c. Parity Rights

d. Independence Law

Answer: b

3. The Chairman of the 1934 Constitutional Convention.

a. Cecilia Munoz Palma

b. Carlos P. Garcia

c.Diosdado Macapagal

d. Claro M. Recto

Answer: c

4. The first appointed head of the Department of Education during Commonwealth period.

a. Claro M. Recto

b. Sergio Osmeña

c. Rafael Palma

d. Jose P. Laurel

Answer: b

5. The “father of social justice.”

a. Claro M. Recto

b. Sergio Osmeña

c. Rafael Palma

d. Jose P. Laurel

Answer: c

6. The leader of Sakdalista uprising

a. Benigno Aquino

b. Benigno Ramos

c. Isabelo delos Reyes

d. Isabelle Espirito

Answer: b

7. The last department turned over by the Americans to be government by a Filipino.

a. Department of Public Health and Welfare

b. Department of Trade

c. Department of Education

d. Department of Defense

Answer: c

8. The Rizal Day Celebration reminds us about heroes worth

a. Appreciating

b. Reading about

c. Emulating

d. Studying

Answer: c

9. The Rizal Day Celebration reminds us about heroes worth

a. English

b. Filipino

c. Tagalog

d. Cebuano

Answer: b

10. Section 3, Article XIV states that “All educational institutions shall include that study of ______ as part of curriculum.”

a. History

b. Science & Technology

c. Sports

d. Constitution

Answer: d

11. Who has the power of declare the existence of the state of war?

a. Senate President

b. Chief Justice

c. President

d. Congress

Answer: d

12. “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels.” Which government program is in support of this?

a. Exclusion of children with special needs from the formal system

b. Free elementary and secondary education

c. Deregulated and secondary education

d. Re-introduction of the NEAT and NSAT

Answer: b

13. The old name of EDSA during early part of American occupation

a. 19 de junio

b. Highway 54

c. Highway 53

d. Highway 52

Answer: a

14. RA 9155 also known as “_______.”

a. Basic Education Act of 2001

b. Restructured Basic Education

c. Education for All

d. Bridge Program

Answer: a

15. RA 4670 also known as “_______”

a. Board of Higher Education

b. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

c. State of National Emergency

d. Calibrated Pre-emptive Response

Answer: b

16. President Ramos’ Medium Term Philippines Development Plan (MTPDP).

a. Angat Pinoy 2004

b. SONA 2001

c. Philippines 2000

d. Sustainable Development

Answer: c

17. President Estrada’s MTPDP.

a. Angat Pinoy 2004

b. SONA 2001

c. Philippines 2000

d.  Sustainable Development

Answer: a

18. How long can be elected President of the Philippines serve under 1987 Constitution

a. Two terms, 6 years each

b. Two terms, 4 years each

c. One term for 6 years

d. One term for 4 years

Answer: c

19. Historically, Why does the Philippines have a claim over sabah?

a. The sultan of Sulu, who received the territory as a gift, has given the Philippines Government Power to reclaim his territory.

b. The Malays, the third wave of migrants to the country, own the territory.

c. Sabah was formerly a part of the Philippines archipelago

d. The Philippines government bought it form the Sultan Brunei

Answer: a

20. Which of the following describes the Battle of Manila Bay between American and Spanish naval forces?

a. The Americans ship outnumbered those of the Spaniards.

b. The Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans

c. It was a mock naval battle between the Spaniards and the Americans.

d. The Americans won the battle with great difficulty

Answer: a

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