waiting for the result

Things to do while waiting for the result of your board exam

Home » Things to do while waiting for the result of your board exam

Things to do while waiting for the result

After taking the board exam, it’s normal to feel nervous while waiting for the result. It takes several months for the result to come out and it prolongs the agony of the waiting period.

To avoid feeling agitated, there are several things you may opt to do to busy yourself with.

Here are the things you can do while waiting for the board exam result.

Prayer and Positivity

Prayer is very powerful in the making. You also have to make sure that you are always positive for the result.

Strong mindset

This is very important to have whether it be a positive or a negative result, set you mind to accept the truth. This is the best healthy way to endure pain if the result is already out.

Don’t assume

Don’t assume too much because sometimes it will be very hard to accept it if you fail.

Be humble and stay silent

Avoid making fake realizations first to your friends. Stay silent unless the result is out.

Don’t sit in your house while waiting

Try to do something like blogging or vlogging to kill your time. This is very effective way to ease tension. Besides, you may also earn a penny while doing these things.

Try to look for a short-term job while waiting for the result

Apply for a job that will give you a salary. After all, you need money to provide yourself with anything. Try to remember that in this situation, you will be the master of yourself already. Your parents are already done supporting you. So, get-up on your knees and work.

Don’t stop believing

If the result of the exam is out and it is a failure, remember that you are not alone. There are hundreds of takers out there who also fail. Life is not fair, but it’s up to you to make your life worthwhile. Believe that there is always a next time and if you still fail again, try and try and don’t let the test keep you worrying.


So, these and that the conclusion is to always be ready and look up to heaven if anything goes on your way to success. – MCHQ| PRC BOARD REVIEWERS PH

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