Student kicking a chair upon leaving the exam room as part of superstitious beliefs.

Superstitious Beliefs Practiced by Filipinos to Pass the Board Exam

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The Philippines, a nation rich in diverse cultures and traditions, has many practices passed down through generations. Among these practices are superstitious beliefs, which are significant in various aspects of Filipino life, especially during critical events like board exams.

Superstitious beliefs are defined as those beliefs or practices based on irrational thoughts, often attributing events to supernatural causes. These beliefs play a crucial role in the lives of many Filipinos, especially when facing the pressures of major exams.

Here are the Top 10 Superstitious Beliefs Practiced by Filipinos to pass the board exam:

Avoid Adventure Before Exams

In the days leading up to the exam, it is a common belief that candidates should avoid any adventurous activities. Parents warn their children against such activities, fearing they might bring bad luck or distractions.

Eat Nuts Before the Exam

Many exam takers munch on nuts before and during their exam days. Nuts are considered brain food, believed to enhance mental focus and memory, though this is more nutritional science than superstition. However, the belief in its luck-enhancing properties makes it a popular choice.

Don’t Wash Your Hair During Exams

It might sound odd, but a prevalent superstition is that washing your hair while exams are ongoing could somehow wash away the knowledge you’ve crammed into your brain. While there’s no logical basis for this, it’s a widely held belief.

Wear Something Red

Although the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has a dress code, many exam takers wear red undergarments or accessories. Red is considered a lucky color in many Filipino superstitions, thought to bring confidence and block out negative energies.

Place a Coin in Your Shoe

Before stepping into the exam hall, some candidates place a one-peso coin in their shoe. This practice is thought to ground them, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence.

Knock on Wood

Knocking on wood three times before starting the exam is believed to ward off bad luck. This practice is common in many cultures around the world and is used by Filipinos to attract good luck.

Enter with Your Right Foot

When entering the exam room, students often make it a point to step in with their right foot first. This is supposed to set a positive tone for the exam, starting everything on the right note.

Kick the Chair Upon Leaving

After completing the exam, some students kick their chair before leaving the room. This act is thought to prevent any possibility of needing to retake the test by symbolically leaving all doubts behind.

Look Straight When Exiting

Maintaining focus even after the exam is over, students avoid looking back or around as they exit. Looking straight ahead is believed to solidify their performance and prevent any second-guessing of their answers.

Break the Pencil After the Exam

Finally, breaking the pencil used during the exam is a gesture believed to break away any ties to failure. This act symbolizes a finality to the hard work and the hope that they won’t have to undergo the same stress again.


Despite the prevalence of these superstitious beliefs, it’s important to recognize that success in exams fundamentally comes from diligent study and preparation. These traditions are embraced more for emotional comfort and cultural connection than for their actual efficacy. Personally, I did not follow any of these superstitions and still managed to pass my board exams through hard work, prayer, and a strong belief in my abilities. To all exam takers: remember, while it’s interesting to know and perhaps try these superstitions, your effort, preparation, and confidence are what truly matter. Good luck!

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