CSE: Numerical Ability Part 4

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This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 4 of Numerical Ability. In preparation for the Civil Service Exam, practice, and familiarize every question we have, it might be included in the actual examination. Good luck.

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Numerical Ability Part 4

1. What is the LCD of 2/5 and 4/3?

a. 10

b. 15

c. 30

d. 60

Answer: b

2. Find the sum of 1/5, 2/3, 3/5 and 1/3/

a. 1 4/5

b. 2 1/5

c. 1 2/5

d. 2/5

Answer: a

3. Subtract 4 1/3 from 5 1/5.

a. 12/15

b. 7/15

c. 13/15

d. 10/15

Answer: d

4. 72 + 72 + 72 + 72+ 72 is the same as _____.

a. 72 x 5

b. 72 + 280

c. 72 + 72 x 3

d. 72 + 266

Answer: a

5. What is the average of 85, 87, 92, 81 and 80?

a. 86

b. 84

c. 85

d. 87

Answer: c

6. The decimal form of 1 7/5 is _____.

a. 3.04

b. 3.4

c. 34

d. 3.004

Answer: b

7. 2/5 of what number is 72?

a. 190

b. 185

c. 110

d. 180

Answer: d

8. 4/4 + 6/6 + 8/8 + 10/10= _____.

a. 4

b. 8

c. 10

d. 18

Answer: a

9. What % of 110 is 55?

a. 20

b. 53

c. 50

d. 30

Answer: c

10. 9 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 9 + 5 is the same as ______.

a. 3 x 9 + 4 x 5

b. 15 + 3 x 9

c. 4 x 9 + 15

d. 27 + 6 x 3

Answer: b

11. 6 1/3 + 4 1/6 = ______

a. 1 1/2

b. 2 1/3

c. 2 1/4

d. 1 1/6

Answer: a

12. Express 3 1/2 to improper fraction.

a. 7/3

b. 5/2

c. 8/3

d. 7/2

Answer: d

13. Which of the following has the greatest value?

a. 3/8

b. 5/6

c. 5/12

d. 7/24

Answer: b

14. Find the product of 16 and .21.

a. 3.36

b. 33.6

c. 336

d. .336

Answer: a

15. 9 1/3 – 6 1/4 = _____

a. 3 2/5

b. 4 1/3

c. 4 1/6

d. 3 1/12

Answer: d

16. 5 weeks is equivalent to how many days?

a. 36

b. 35

c. 45

d. 40

Answer: b

17. How many eggs are there in 4 trays if one tray contains 30 eggs?

a. 120

b. 115

c. 140

d. 125

Answer: a

18. In his 3 subjects, Lito got 89, 87 and 85. What grade should he get to have an average of 85?

a. 78

b. 80

c. 84

d. 79

Answer: d

19. Rosa can type 4500 words in one hour. At the same rate, how many words can rose type in 73 minutes?

a. 5,268

b. 5,475

c. 6,015

d. 6,100

Answer: b

20. From the preceding problem, how many words can Rosa type in 20 seconds

a. 25

b. 30

c. 28

d. 35

Answer: a

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